Leaders in X-ray Inspection Technology Key Features: ? Minimum feature recognition: 950 nm (0.95 microns); ? Tube Voltage: 30-160KV; ? Maximum inspection area: 18” x 16” (458 x 407 mm); ? Maximum board size: 20” x 17.5” (508 x 444 mm); ? System magnification: Up to 5650 X (7400 X with XiDAT 2.0 option fitted); ? Angle views: Left/right each 70 ° (Total 140 ° ) for any location 360 ° around entire inspection area; ? Camera: 1.3 Mpixel digital CCD; ? Display: 20.1" digital (DVI interface) colour flat panel LCD, displayed live at full resolution (1280 x 1024); ? Safety: Leakage < 1 u Sv/hr as measured at any point on the surface of the system enclosure … Specifications: Machine Footprint: D: 1700mm; W: 1450mm; H:1970mm Weight: 1900kg Power Supply: Single 220-230V, 16A, 50 or 60 Hz International Certification: JEDEC; European CE Regulations; Safety Directive…
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